《汉语世界》简介 | ||
http://cul.book.sina.com.cn 2006/11/11 18:21 新浪文化 | ||
《汉语世界》(The World of Chinese)是一本顺应外国朋友学习汉语的热情而精心设计制作的普及性杂志。由商务印书馆、汉语国际推广北京基地主办,目前为汉英双语版,双月刊,刊号CN11-5509/H。主要面向国外发行,兼顾外国驻华使馆、外国驻华商社等。 《汉语世界》的宗旨是为各类有汉语学习需求的外国人提供急需、鲜活的学习材料。杂志将完全改变过去同类期刊的面目,形式标新立异,使人过目不忘;内容丰富多彩,令 《汉语世界》的主要栏目有镜像中国、语言生活、我说我行、汉语奥运、视听空间、魅力汉字、中国广角、趣味汉语、人物专访、中文精华、百姓生活、人在旅途、我看中国、学用成语、美食天地、互动园地、新书报告等。 《汉语世界》实行栏目主持人制,聘请专业写手写稿,作者多为世界汉语教学和研究的一线教师,译者为国内英语教学和研究的资深专家,图片采用高级摄影师的作品。 《汉语世界》风格明快、时尚,国际大16开本,96页,特种纸四色印刷,图文并茂,后配一张光盘。 《汉语世界》计划2006年9月末推出2006年第一期(总第一期)。2007年单月陆续推出6期。 The World of Chinese: A Profile The World of Chinese is a popular Chinese-English bilingual, bimonthly magazine designed for non-native Chinese speakers, learners, and instructors, as well as the expatriate community in China. It is published by the Commercial Press and the Beijing Chapter of the International Chinese Project. It is distributed overseas as well as among the expatriate community in China. The World of Chinese aims to provide fresh and practical learning materials for non-native Chinese learners. With innovations in content and style, it seeks to create a microcosmo of the Chinese language and culture for the general readership. Major columns include: Cool Chinese, Chinese and I,Wide Angle, Look and Listen, Writing in Chinese, Window on China, Best of Chinese, People, Life on the Street, China in a Mirror, On the Road, Living Chinese, etc. We work with senior Chinese language teachers, experts, translators and photographers. A full 96 pages of style and knowledge in copperplate printing. First Issue came out in September 2006, to be followed by a second in November. Six bimonthly issues are planned for 2007. 我们的联系方式 100710 中国北京王府井大街36号 商务印书馆 汉语世界杂志社 电话:086-010-65258382 传真: 086-010-65258133 E-mail: hanyushijie@cp.com.cn 网址: www.cp.com.cn 国内邮发代号:80-570 国外发行:中国国际图书贸易总公司 国外代号:BM4956 Contact us: PUBLISHED BY:The World of Chinese Magazine OFFICE ADDRESS:36 Wangfujing Street, Beijing 100710, China Telephone:0086-10-65258382 FAX:: 0086-10-65258133 EMAIL:hanyushijie@cp.com.cn WEBSITE:www.cp.com.cn NATIONAL SERIAL CODE:80-570 OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTOR:China International Books Trading Corporation OVERSEAS CODE:BM4956 |