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http://cul.sina.com.cn 2005/04/05 17:11   今古传奇


  Chivalry novel is a sort of style novel which finally fell into the creation patterns of some writers such as Louis Cha (Jin Yong) and Gu Long in Hong kon
g and Taiwan in the 1960s and 1970s. In the language environment of current Chinese literature, Chivalry novel has profound cultural psychological accumulation and has gone through a long course of the development of version.

  The three core images of Chivalry novel are respectively chivalry, sword and the secret society. With the changing of tendencies in society and the development of language environment, the concept of chivalry has undergone a long process of development and sublation, rectification and evolution. And, after the Qing dynasty, with western culture infiltrating and nationalism springing up, chivalry was enriched with the fusion of new ideas of patriotism, justice and freedom-advocating. Sword stands for a kind of willpower and spirit and even the symbol of chivalry, which is also a kind of basic identification of swordsmen with themselves. The secret society is realistic in a way. With the development of chivalry novel and the adding of some kinds of fantastic elements such as swordsfairy, the secret society also generates a degree of fictitiousness, and gradually forms different aspects, which makes it covered a sense of symbolism increasingly.

  Chivalry novel has its own law of development. It has developed into vast full-length novel from a sort of plain verse which mainly narrates the ideal life of vagrant swordsmen. The technique of narration has made considerable progress. Meanwhile, the concept of chivalry, the image of swordsman and the system of sword have all become increasingly abundant on account of the tremendous efforts of countless writers, and, hence, have possessed the most important basis for style novels. The images of chivalry, sword and the secret society have also become more and more abstract and possessed the capacity of metaphor and symbolism, thus, have been highly creative and more profound in messages.

  The establishment of the magazine Ancient and Modern Legends-Chivalry Edtion has broken a fresh path of Chivalry novel creation in mainland China, which stands for the new era and is different from both the old Chivalry novels in the Republic of China whose representative was Wang Dulu and the new Chivalry novels in Hong kong and Taiwan whose outstanding representatives were Louis Cha and Gu Long etc.

  “The new Chivalry novel in mainland China” is the first fruits that the magazine Ancient and Modern Legends-Chivalry Edtion has reaped. It has been a sort of popular literature creation under the guidance of “the style of Ancient and Modern Legends” and has made response to contemporary era in such aspects as “chivalry, sword and the secret society”. Its important characteristics are of network and feminism. The young writers such as Xiao Duan, Shi Weihan, Cang Yue, Shen Yingying, etc, represent the newest achievement of “the new Chivalry novel in mainland China”.

  Key words: Chivalry novel;The establishment of the magazine Ancient and Modern Legends-Chivalry Edtion;The new Chivalry novel in mainland China;the secret society;feminism

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